This workshop series is a collaboration between the IDRC funded AI for Global Health Research and the Mesh community engagement network projects on The Global Health Network, University of Oxford.


  • Explore the ethical considerations and challenges associated with integrating AI into community engagement efforts and learn about the importance of community engagement in health research. 
  • Discover effective ways to involve communities in health research and decision-making and build and maintainproductive partnerships with stakeholders and organizations. 
  • Develop actionable plans to integrate community engagement and AI in health research, addressing real-world challenges and opportunities. 


  • Dr. Alun Davies - Lead, MESH Community Engagement Network, The Global Health Network, University of Oxford, UK
  • Dr. Manuel Colomé-Hidalgo - Principal at Instituto de Investigación en Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 
  • Luis Felipe Arias - ETIKOS-The Global Health Network, University of Oxford, Dominican Republic
  • Esther Lopez Alva  - Communications officer - TGHN LAC (Perú center UPCH)

Our first regional case study is from Morocco, MENA  - Zakaria Belrhiti - International School of Public Health, Mohammed VI University of Health and Sciences, Casablanca, Morocco

The second regional case study is from Kenya, Africa - Victoria Mukami - Principal Investigator, HASH Project, University Lecturer, University of Embu, Kenya

And the final regional case study from Mexico, LAC - Enrique Cortes Rello - Leader of the AI strategic initiative and AI Hub Director, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México

Public, Community and SAtakeholder Engagement with Health Research (English) - Alun Davies


The Ethics of AI in Health Research


Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement (English) - Luis Felipe Arias Sotto