We use a range of ways to evaluate Mesh. These methods include workshop feedback, focus group discussions and surveys. We also use ‘web-analytics’ which provides a measure of how much the Mesh platform is accessed.

How does it work?

Click the green 'timeframe' box and enter the dates and the impact metwer will tell you how the numbers of visits, page views, registered members, engaged sessions, engagement rates and the number o items downloaded. The map gives an idea of where in the world people are accessing Mesh.

What Kind of impact is Mesh aiming at?

  • To ensure the value of community engagement is recognised by a diversity of global health research stakeholders and that it is considered an integral part of health research.
  • To generate and strengthen leadership and capacity in community engagement across LMIC settings.
  • To increase outcomes-focused, innovative community engagement with global health research.


All global health research incorporates high-quality community engagement built on evidence, good practice and strong networks.