Senior Public and Community Engagement Coordinator, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam.

The Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, with sites in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Nepal, has a dedicated Public and Community Engagement programme that works to engage the public and communities in various stages of the research process. We firmly believe that community involvement enhances the relevance and impact of our research by incorporating diverse perspectives, addressing concerns, and fostering mutual understanding. Engaging communities also promotes open and meaningful dialogue between researchers and the public, ensuring a more transparent and inclusive approach to health research.

A key initiative of OUCRU’s Public and Community Engagement work is our Health Research Advisory Board (HRAB) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This advisory group brings together individuals from a range of ages, backgrounds, and levels of scientific education. Currently, the HRAB has 14 members, comprising of nine women and five men, aged between 20 years old to late 60s. The members come from diverse backgrounds and include four individuals working in the community service sector, one driver, one school health worker, two homemakers, one retiree, one marketing officer, one customer service representative, one student, and one sales agent. 

Invitations to join the advisory board were disseminated to the public via leaflets and posters displayed in the waiting areas of OUCRU doctors' private clinics, the outpatient wards of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City, and on OUCRU’s Facebook pages. Interested individuals were asked to complete a brief application form. The selection process aimed to ensure diversity in age, gender, and occupation. Those selected were contacted by telephone and email with an invitation to join the board. No prior training was required except for an induction meeting covering general information about OUCRU and its working methods.

On a regular basis, three to five times per year, the HRAB participates in discussions with research teams, providing valuable feedback on ongoing projects. The insights of group members are instrumental in ensuring that OUCRU research remains accessible, relevant, and responsive to the needs and concerns of the communities we serve. Moreover, the HRAB plays a key role in enhancing the practical application and value of our research findings.