Engaging children and youth with health research

What is School Engagement?

School Engagement comprises a wide range of interactions between health researchers and local school teachers and their students. It should facilitate discussion, mutual learning and relationships, and support students, teachers and researchers to learn from each other.



Engaging young people in health research can increase their interest in science while simultaneously familiarizing researchers with the issues and concerns of our communities. Over time, it can bring the population of scientists to better reflect the diversity of our countries and our world, thereby encouraging the practice of research that is relevant to everyone. Ideally, engaging children and youth empowers them by supporting their search for the information they need to make decisions for themselves and their communities. 

These are some of the common commitments of three schools engagement projects in three countries: The Brazilian Health and Environment Olympics hosted by Fiocruz in Rio de Janerio, Brazil; Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam’s Schools and Youth Engagement Programme; and the School Engagement Programme of the KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kilifi, Kenya. These programmes are showcased in this webinar. Learn more about this exemplary work through watching the webinar and consider what learnings school engagement might have for community engagement as a whole.






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