Grant schemes and funding resources to support community engagement

Funding for CE with Research

This should ideally be applied for within a research grant application. Follow the funder's application guidance

If your organisation or research partner holds an existing grant, discuss a possible supplement or extension specifically for community engagement

Ways of describing CE

Funders use different terms to describe collaborating with communities - so be flexible with language

For example, the development sector, social justice, and humanitarian assistance have longstanding traditions of community participation and engagement

Practical Guide to planning an Engagement Strategy for your Global Health Research funding application Mesh guide outlining ways of engaging stakeholders whilst preparing a grant application and designing an appropriate engagement strategy that is integrated into research

Low-cost and Upstream Engagement for Funding Proposals - This Mesh guide aims to inspire ideas on how to conduct 'upstream' community engagement to feed into a funding proposal, where limited resources and budget are available

Please check the individual organisation for up to date information and eligibility restrictions. If you have found a useful source of funding that is not listed here, contact Mesh by email:  

Grant Finder Tools

Bond connects, strengthens and champions a dynamic network of civil society organisations to eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice. See their searchable databases for FCDO and institutional funding plus training and events

Funds for NGOs - Grants and Resources for Sustainability
Website (offering a paid subscribe option) that provides information on funding opportunities for NGOs

GrantFinder is a funding database in the UK covering local, national and international sources of funding

Communication platform funded by Government of India to increase the visibility of science in society, be a hub for policy discussions and science communication. Grant finder tool signposting various grants including those for outreach

UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
The funding finder tool is to help potential applicants to view, sort and filter UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding opportunities, across all UK government departments. Signposting various international development grants with sort function by sector and organisation

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
UKRI is made up of seven research councils, Innovate UK and Research England. Use their funding finder tool to search current funding opportunities

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Direct Funding

Academy of Medical Sciences - International Opportunities
UK-based academy with schemes to promote international collaboration between the UK and eligible countries. Networking Grants allow overseas and UK researchers to hold networking events and carry out small pilot studies to generate innovative, transdisciplinary ideas

Action Covid Taskforce (ACT) Grants - India
ACT in India offer grants as seed capital to incubate innovations that address some of India's most complex needs. Within focus areas of Education, Environment, Health or Women. Also offering Fellowships

AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) - Advocacy Fellows Program
International non-profit organisation focussed on HIV prevention and advocacy. The fellows program supports emerging HIV prevention champions providing technical and financial support - both salary and project budget

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - Public Engagement Program
US Organisation providing scientists and scientific institutions with opportunities and resources to have meaningful conversations with the public. They offer awards to scientists and engineers as well as science journalism fellowships and internships

Association of Commonwealth Universities
Global network of universities with a shared commitment to building a better world through international collaboration in higher education. Offering opportunities for university staff and students to learn and collaborate, including fellowships, grants, studentships and scholarships

Azim Premji Foundation - India Grants
Supporting not-for-profits and civil society organisations across India with financial grants. Funding for initiatives from directly engaging with marginalized communities to helping improve delivery of public systems

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Global Grand Challenges
The Grand Challenges family of initiatives fosters innovation to solve key health and development problems. Check latest opportunities. See also Gates Foundation grant opportunities where CE could be integrated into research funding applications

British Academy - Global Convening Programmes
The UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences. Global Convening Programmes convene researchers internationally together over three years to develop sustained engagement across disciplines and borders

British Council - Artists and Creative Industries
The UK's international cultural relations organisation. See the latest opportunities for artists and creative industry professionals, practitioners and organisations across the world

British Council - International Collaboration Grants
The UK's international cultural relations organisation. Their £1 million International Collaboration Grants programme supports collaborations between UK artists, arts professionals and organisations and their global peers with grants of between £25,000 and £75,000

Brocher Foundation - Bioethics
Foundation offering researchers the opportunity of a 1 to 3 months Residency or to organize a 2 or 3 days multidisciplinary workshop on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of new medical developments

Climate & Care Initiative Fund
Supporting the climate and care nexus in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Seeks innovative practices that connect climate change and care work to promote equitable and sustainable development and a just transition. Funding for research with CE elements

Comic Relief
Comic Relief supports approaches to social change that offer something different, think outside the box or offer new thinking to achieve profound impact. Both UK and international projects. Check the website for live opportunities

Commonwealth Foundation
Grants for sustainable development projects across sectors and themes from creative expression to community empowerment; from health to human rights. Applicants must be a not-for-profit civil society organisation (CSO) in an eligible Commonwealth Foundation Member State

Cultural Survival Fund - Keepers of the Earth Fund and Indigenous Community Media Fund
Cultural Survival is an Indigenous-led NGO and U.S. registered non-profit that advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures, and political resilience worldwide

Gavi - The Vaccine Alliance
Gavi brings together public and private sectors with the shared goal of saving lives and protecting people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable use of vaccines. Civil society organisations can apply directly for funding

Global Innovation Fund (GIF)
Non-profit multilateral investment vehicle seeking out innovations with the greatest potential to improve the lives. Any type of organisation may apply as well as individual innovators, entrepreneurs or researchers through an affiliated organisation

Germany’s cultural institute, operates worldwide, fostering international cultural collaborations. International Coproduction Fund (IKF) supports coproductions worldwide that grow out of collaborative working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art

Infosys Foundation - India
India-based not for profit organisation supporting underprivileged sections of society. They partner with NGOs to make a difference in local communities and accept proposals in the areas of education, healthcare, women's empowerment and environmental sustainability

Inter-American Foundation
U.S. government agency that invests in locally-led development across Latin American and the Caribbean. Research Fellowship Program supports field-based research on actionable questions about community-led development in Latin America and the Caribbean

James Tudor Foundation
UK-based grant giving charitable foundation for the relief of sickness, palliative care, medical research & health education. The Foundation supports international projects run by UK registered charities and deployed in developing countries (as defined by the OECD)

Mariwala Health Initiative - India
India-based funding agency for innovative mental health initiatives, with a particular focus on making mental health accessible to marginalized persons and communities. Offering grants for program development, operating support, grants to activists and capacity building

Mellon Foundation
Mellon makes grants to support communities through the power of the arts and humanities. They support ideas and organisations that contribute to a more connected, creative, and just society. Check their website for their Grant making Areas and country eligibility

National Research Foundation (NRF) - South Africa
Government research and science development agency in South Africa that funds research and critical research infrastructure to promote knowledge production across all disciplinary fields. NRF Awards include a Societal Impact Award and a Public Engagement with Research Award

Next Einstein Forum (NEF)
NEF Fellows recognises Africa’s best young scientists and technologists. Opportunities as a NEF Fellow include advancing your scientific career and inspiring the next generation of African innovators. The latter may present opportunities for engagement projects

Paul Hamlyn Foundation
UK-based foundation focussing on the arts, education and learning, migration and young people in UK and India. Funding in India centres around small NGOs working with the most vulnerable communities in priority geographical areas. Rolling application cycle

Prince Claus Fund
Independent foundation dedicated to culture and development working in 144 countries. They serve engaged artists and cultural practitioners in places where culture is under pressure. Offering Seed Awards, Fellows Award and Impact Awards

Rockefeller Foundation
With a mission to promote the well-being of humanity and make opportunity universal and sustainable, they use grantmaking and do not accept unsolicited grant proposals. "Convening" funding to bring people together to share their diverse perspectives

Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies - India
Foundation committed to supporting the best ideas, individuals, and institutions that are working to resolve social issues from within society itself. Their priorities are active citizenship (collective co-creation), climate & environment and mental health

Royal Society - UK
Independent scientific academy of the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science for the benefit of humanity. Many of their fellowship, exchange, collaboration and travel schemes are open to overseas applicants

TY Danjuma Foundation - Nigeria
Philanthropic grantmaking organisation committed to improving the quality of life of Nigerians, by supporting health and education interventions implemented by Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) registered and working in Nigeria

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Funding through Research/Partnerships

AMREF Health Africa
NGO whose mission is to catalyse and drive community-led and people-centred primary health care systems while addressing social determinants of health. See individual country opportunities or search for invited expressions of interest

AngloAmerican Group Foundation
The Foundation’s main objective is to promote sustainable livelihoods through the focus areas of community development, education and training, environment and HIV/AIDS and welfare. They are not open to proposals but fund through existing relationships with organisations

Aurum Institute - South Africa
African organisation whose mission is to generate evidence for policy and translate into practice to positively impact the health of communities globally. Expertise across TB, HIV, COVID-19, AMR, and Health Systems. Health Programmes include community engagement

Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
Independent philanthropic organisation working with a range of partners to transform the lives of children and adolescents. They identify opportunities by talking to individuals and organisations working within their priority areas. They do not normally accept unsolicited proposals

DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance
Independent public charity funding research in health and biomedical sciences in India. Encourages diversity, inclusivity, and transparency in science and works to facilitate engagement of science with society. CE supported within research grants

Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) advances healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability under India's Ministry of Science. Provides funding for biotechnology research in India where CE can be included in proposals. See their Calls for Proposals

Ford Foundation
The program teams seek out people and organisations with bold ideas towards reducing poverty and inequality worldwide (including through cultural expression) and take them through the funding process. Grant applications may also be submitted through their website

Grand Challenges Canada
Bold ideas supported that integrate science and technology, social and business innovation. Offering research grants to innovators in low- and middle-income countries with integrated community engagement. See Transformational Research in Adolescent Mental Health program

Grand Challenges India BIRAC
Working across a range of health and developmental priorities ranging from agriculture, nutrition, sanitation, maternal and child health to infectious diseases. CE funding to be included in research funding proposals

HCLFoundation (HCLF)
Corporate social responsibility arm of HCLTech in India, focused on Indian and international development goals impacting communities. Thematic focus on education, health, livelihoods, environment, and disaster risk reduction

Helmsley Trust
U.S.-based global philanthropy committed to helping people live better lives today and creating stronger, healthier futures for individuals and communities. Working across six programs including 'Vulnerable Children in Sub-Saharan Africa'

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
HHMI is a biomedical research organisation and philanthropy that supports a community of researchers, educators, students, and professionals. Public engagement work through film and media initiatives

India Council for Medical Research (ICMR)
Translating research into action for improving the health of the population. Funding for biomedical research which can support community engagement components

India Health Fund & Tata Trusts
Not-for-profit collaborative initiative of Tata Trusts and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Supports health and education innovations with community engagement components

Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)
Independent public policy think tank and scientific research institute working for empowerment and social justice related to environmental sustainability. They aim to engage with communities at a grass-root level through education, campaigns, advocacy and outreach programs

Institut Pasteur
Private French non-profit foundation. Its mission is to help prevent and treat diseases, mainly those of infectious origin, through research, teaching, and public health initiatives. The Pasteur Network fosters international cooperation and coordinates major global health programs

Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases
The UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases has a framework of medical sites around the world dedicated to improving the delivery of modern healthcare. They work in partnership with ministries of health, universities, hospitals and individual researchers

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network. Acting before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. It has a vast network of partners across health and care, education and youth engagement

Medical Research Council (MRC) - UK
MRC is part of UKRI funding research to prevent illness, develop therapies and improve human health. Priority to build a culture where public and patient involvement and engagement is an integral part of research. Global health area includes low and middle-income country scientists

Medical Research Foundation - UK
UK charity that supports vital medical research in underfunded areas, giving hope to people with overlooked health conditions. Funding for research dissemination and changing policy and practice globally

National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
Funded by UK's Dept of Health and Social Care offering funding for research. Global Health Research Funding must include CE. See: Guidance for applicants on working with people and communities 

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it is the nation's medical research agency. Community engagement and involvement could be integrated into research and development funding applications

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)
Institution of Science & Technology in Health based in Brazil. Promoting health and social development, disseminating scientific and technological knowledge, and acting as an agent of citizenship. It is committed to participatory democracy and democratisation of knowledge

PATH India
International global health organisation with a team working to accelerate health equity so all people and communities can thrive. Working across 70 countries through partnerships with government leaders, social investors, grassroots groups, and businesses of every size and type

Piramal Foundation - India
India-based foundation committed to improving the lives of marginalised communities, by leveraging the power of youth and strengthening Government systems. Working in collaboration with organisations and academia. Supports health, education, and community work

Science for Africa Foundation
Pan-African charitable organisation created to support and promote science and innovation in Africa. Public Engagement with Science programme supports engagement including an Art for Science project. Funding through research programmes and capacity-building work

South Africa Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
Funding research and innovation projects, collaborating with partnering institutions and also connecting innovative researchers with like-minded organisations across the world that provide funding opportunities. Engagement should be integrated into research proposals

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)
GACD awards research grants in implementation science that focus on improving health equity in non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention and management globally. Research should be impactful and could include CE components

Works to protect the rights of every child, especially the most disadvantaged and those hardest to reach. Across 190 countries, they provide and advocate for education, health and nutrition services. They work in partnership in each region and country

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP is the leading global authority on the environment with programmes in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia. Working in partnership on youth, education, and environment initiatives

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID is an agency of the United States government responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. UPDATE for 2025: US Foreign aid has been paused and is being re-evaluated following a government executive order

US African Development Foundation (USADF)
IU.S. government agency established to invest directly in African grassroots enterprises and social entrepreneurs. Providing grant capital, capacity building assistance, and convening opportunities. See their pan-African network of local partners who use community-led approaches

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Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organisations (APCASO)
Regional network organisation that serves as a platform for advocacy and community systems strengthening for health, social justice, and human rights for marginalised communities in Asia and Pacific. Bringing together and supporting community and civil society organisations

Collective Service
Founded during COVID-19 pandemic to transform how the public health and the humanitarian sectors coordinate responses for public health emergencies. They enable collaboration between organisations to increase the scale and quality of community engagement approaches

Dasra - India
Dasra promotes social change and coordinates philanthropy and acts as a bridge between NGOs and funders

Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL)
FRACTAL is a trans-disciplinary group of researchers from partner organisations around the world aiming to advance scientific knowledge about regional climate responses to human activities.

Global Fund Community Foundations (GFCF)
GFCF invests more than US$5 billion a year to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all. They support the development of philanthropy organisations and provide funding to funders as well as offering networking and resources

Ideas Fund
Grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, supporting more equitable community-researcher collaboration with a focus on mental wellbeing. The fund is not open to applications

India Climate Collaborative
Collaborative of climate philanthropists building India's response to the climate crisis

Mental Health Innovation Network (MHIN)
Online community of mental health innovators - researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, service user advocates, and donors from around the world - sharing innovative resources and ideas to promote mental health and improve lives

Milken Institute
A nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank focused on accelerating measurable progress on the path to a meaningful life. They catalyse practical, scalable solutions to global challenges by connecting human, financial, and educational resources to those who need them

Wadhwani Initiative for Sustainable Healthcare (WISH) - India
WISH is committed to provide good quality and affordable primary healthcare to all underserved in India. They have core programs in health system strengthening, capacity building of health workers and healthcare innovation. See current tenders and requests for proposals

Wellcome is a global charitable foundation working to ensure everyone benefits from science’s potential to improve health and save lives. They support research with embedded CE across three worldwide health challenges: mental health, infectious disease and climate and health

WHO AMR Community Exchange
Global online collaborative space established to enable those developing, implementing and monitoring national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to have access to prompt advice, guidance and peer support for operational challenges

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Agency of the UN responsible for global public health with offices worldwide. They offer a wealth of guidelines/resources and vast network of partners across governments, civil society, international organisations, foundations, advocates, researchers and health workers

Young Foundation
UK-based not-for-profit organisation driving community research and social innovation. They bring communities, organisations and policymakers together to drive positive change and support collective action. Find resources on supporting participatory social research

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