Visit Mesh's partner hubs and other related networks and knowledge platforms

Social Science

Global Health Social Science

Global Health Social Science is an open access collaborative forum for anyone working in global health and using qualitative and participatory research methods. They aim to provide a space to facilitate dialogue, share new resources and reflect on practice

Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP)

SSHAP is a programme of work focusing on the social dimensions of emergency responses. They work on emergencies that relate to health, conflict or the environment and have an excellent resource library


Global Health Bioethics, Research Ethics & Review

Global Health Bioethics, Research Ethics & Review is our online community for all those interested in global health bioethics and research ethics

Global Health Bioethics Network (GHBN)

The GHBN is a programme to carry out ethics research and build ethics capacity across the Wellcome Trust’s Programmes in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand-Laos, and Viet Nam, as well as other Wellcome Trust centres, such as the Brighton and Suffolk Centre for Global Health Research. 

Epidemic Ethics

Epidemic Ethics is a global community of bioethicists building on pre-existing expertise and resources to provide real-time, trusted, contextual support to communities, policy makers, researchers, and responders in relation to the ethical issues arising out of global health emergencies, with a current focus on the COVID-19 pandemic


Policy and practice        



ARCH Knowledge Hub

The ARCH hub aims to bring together researchers, implementors and policymakers to facilitate knowledge exchange, coordination and collaboration for the uptake and application of research findings into policy and practice

 Other partner platforms and hubs

Falling Walls Engage

Falling Walls Engage is the global platform for Science Engagement, hosted by the Falling Walls Foundation in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Their mission is to inspire and connect creative individuals and organisations who actively involve the public with science to generate mutual benefits for science and society worldwide

NIHR Community Engagement & Involvement

NIHR funds, enables and delivers world-leading health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing. They are committed to engaging and involving communities from low and middle income countries (LMICs) in designing and delivering global health research

Human Engagement Learning Platform (HELP) for Global Health

HELP works to support global health organisations and programmes to translate their ethical aspirations into policy and practice through research and scholarship, training and education, and strategic consulting

AVAC Engage

AVAC works to accelerate the ethical development and global delivery of HIV prevention tools. Their Engage Platform supports stakeholders looking to find community, increase their understanding of a topic or connect with others to create and implement advocacy action around clinical research and implementation


CONNECT is a collaborative open-access web forum aimed at strengthening the capacity of health and research workers connecting with research and society


Networks, Groups & Organisations

AVAC Resources

AVAC is committed to the principle that the perspectives of affected communities belong at the centre of research and implementation. Their site has an array of guides and tools to help improve research conduct including through implementing good participatory practices.

BIG STEM Communicators Network

BIG is the skills sharing network for individuals involved in the communication of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects in Britain. They run regular events and training courses on issues relevant to science communication and informal science and maths education.


CE4AMR is a network and resource hub for researchers and practitioners using community engagement approaches to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Community University Partnership Programme (CUPP), UK

CUPP at Brighton University has developed a substantial knowledge base on how communities and universities can work well together. Working closely with the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) the team have provided support to UK universities as well those in Senegal, Cameron, Ethiopia, Qatar, Pakistan, India, Bosnia, Belgium, Canada and the US. Their resource pages offer a wealth of reports and guidance for academic institutions hoping to strengthen their engagement activity. 


Eldis shares the best in global development research for policy and practice. Resources range across topics including health, health systems and climate change. Resources can be searched by country, topic and key issues. There is also a blog and jobs section. 

Informal Science is a central portal to project, research and evaluation resources designed to support and connect the informal STEM education community in museums, media, public programs and a growing variety of learning environments

Migration and Health Project Southern Africa (maHp)

Involving a series of unique research and public engagement projects, the Migration and Health Project Southern Africa (maHp) aims to explore (and evaluate) ways to generate and communicate knowledge in order to improve responses to migration, health and well-being in the SADC region. Multiple disciplinary perspectives, mixed method approaches, and the involvement of various stakeholders – including migrants themselves – are central.

PSCI-COM email group

A list to provide a forum for discussion of any matter relating to public communication of science and public engagement with science. In addition, details of relevant events, meetings, jobs, conferences and workshops. Mostly European postings

Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Network

This is an international network of professionals from across disciplines who seek to promote new ideas, methods, intellectual and practical questions, and perspectives on the communication of science and technology. The network hosts a biannual conference and discussion list


The Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as RedPOP, is an interactive network that brings together groups, programs and centres for the popularization of science and technology (S&T).

Science Communication Africa

A Facebook group for networking, sharing and collaboration between science communicators in Africa and other developing countries

South African Association of Science and Technology Centres

SAASTEC is recognised by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) as representing interactive science centres in South Africa. They hold an annual conference, which is usually hosted by a member science centre. The organisation publishes a newsletter and have various publications and reports on its web pages.

AAAS: Center for Public Engagement with Science & Technology

American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Center for Public Engagement with Science and Technology provides scientists with communication resources, and it also facilitates dialogue between scientists and the public about the benefits, limits, and implications of science.

The Compass for SBC

The Compass is a curated collection of social and behaviour change (SBC) resources. This special Trending Topic of SBC resources contains links to a vast array of data, infographics and guidance on topics such as risk communication, rumours and misinformation and stigma.

Participatory Methods

The Participatory Methods website, managed by the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change Cluster at the Institute of Development Studies, provides resources to generate ideas and action for inclusive development and social change. 

British Red Cross Community Engagement Hub

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has developed a hub to share our information, knowledge and resources about community engagement and accountability. Their COVID-19 area provides tools and resources to help incorporate community engagement and accountability into COVID-19 humanitarian operations

The SciCommer

The SciCommer is a weekly global science communication newsletter created by Heather Doran - a Science Communication and Public Engagement specialist based in Scotland. It provides a weekly roundup of science communication news and events, including academic research in the area, conferences, festivals, training and job opportunities.

Trellis: Public Engagement with Science

Trellis Communities from AAAS in U.S includes a network for Public Engagement with Science. This is a forum for discussion where scientists, researchers of public engagement, and public engagement practitioners share their experience of and expertise in public engagement to build new collaborations, be inspired, and improve skills related to public engagement.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

UNESCO is responsible for coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. Their web site has a multimedia bank of over 5,000 images, films and audio files categorised by themes which may be useful to Mesh readers such as communication, culture, education and science. There are a wealth of other resources many of which centre on communication across the spectrum from broadcast to participatory media. 

The Communication Initiative Network

The Communication Initiative convenes the communication and media development, social and behavioural change community for more effective local, national, and international development action. They share knowledge, materials and resources from across the globe.

To suggest an addition to this list please get in touch