Arting Health for Impact is an international, collaborative public engagement partnership between Botswana (Infers Group PTY Ltd), South Africa (Interfer PTY Ltd) and India (Wellcome-DBT India Alliance - an affiliation between the Wellcome Trust and the Indian Government’s Department of Biotechnology).
The project used co-creation methods that allowed all partners - artists, health scientists, civil society groups, policy makers and media, to interact and share their respective knowledge. The output of this co-creation was culturally relevant street art installations focused on community-specific public health concerns.
The socio-economic similarities as well as the cultural differences between the three countries provided a fascinating platform for a collaboration, paving the way for comparative studies on street art as a public engagement tool in developing nations. The project ran simultaneously in all partner countries, providing invaluable insight into how cross-country public engagement collaborations can work. The hope is that it will initiate other projects, including further cross-country collaborations.
Published report Learnings on best practices for communication and engagement in
cross-border health/art collaborations
Arting Health for Impact: Botswana (Hypertension, Mental Health and HIV/AIDS)
Arting Health for Impact: South Africa (Mental Health)
Images by: Nabeel Petersen and Khwezi Nsibande
Also By
- Guía Práctica para Planificar una Estrategia de Participación Social (CEI) para una Propuesta de Investigación de Salud Global
- Guide: A Practical Guide to Planning an Engagement Strategy for your Global Health Research funding application
- Webinar: Community Engagement with AMR: Responsive Dialogues in practice
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