Working in close collaboration with AVAC, The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) Stakeholder and Community Engagement Workgroup (SCE-WG) has adapted the UNAIDS-endorsed Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials to the specific context of TB drug trials.

The Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for TB Drug Trials (GPP-TB) provide guiding principles and practice standards for stakeholder engagement as an integral part of TB drug trials. Stakeholder engagement refers to any form of consultation, collaboration, and partnership put in place to enable a dialogue between all parties having a stake in a specific trial. The goal is to reach a point where that project is understood, acceptable, and meaningful to all.

In TB trials, resources to support researchers interested in engaging local communities have been limited. These guidelines thus address a critical need that was revealed by interviews conducted with prominent members of the TB research community.

Find out more and download [PDF] the guidelines HERE


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