This report summarises the outcomes of a workshop held at the UNICEF headquarters in November 2017. The workshop brought together representatives from a number of UN agencies, international NGOs and other civil society organisations, alongside donors and researchers. The aim of the workshop was to reach agreement on key components for the development of minimum quality standards and indicators for community engagement in development and humanitarian contexts. This built on a previous workshop facilitated by the Gates foundation (Read our Mesh summary here) where the need for a set of standards and indicators had been established.

Whilst organisations had been working on this challenge at an institutional level, including the WHO and the International Federation of Red Cross Societies, this meeting was the first to bring multiple stakeholders together with the aim of establishing something to be used by the whole field.

Sessions at the workshop included:

  • ‘The Missing Link in Community Systems Strengthening’: This set the context of the project by explaining the importance of delivering results-based programs for communities. Community engagement is therefore not only a strategy for achieving this, but increases accountability for organisations working with communities.

  • ‘Measuring Community Engagement’ was a presentation on the need to develop indicators and how to align existing work with indicators in development.

  • ‘Working group: what should a framework for development of minimum quality standards look like?’ saw attendees split into small groups to brainstorm the key challenges and opportunities related to this project.

To see the full list of recommendations and challenges that came out of the workshop, read the full summary here (link to PDF).

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