Mesh is working in partnership with colleagues at the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to develop a new interactive online training course to introduce learners to the principles and practice of Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI) with Global Health Research. The aim is to make the course freely available to all by early 2022.

We know that global health research staff, those applying for research grants, engagement leads, field workers and many other groups would value more tailored training in CEI theory and approaches. We want to ensure the new course meets your needs and we work with you to co-produce it.

What should be included in a new Community Engagement and Involvement learning resource?

Previous evaluation work carried out by the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, investigations by the Wellcome Trust-funded REAL Community Engagement Realist Review, and scoping work by Mesh have all identified a number of common issues or themes that could be explored within an introduction to CEI online course. We are currently consulting research and engagement professionals to help priortise these topics.

Check back here soon to find out about the next stages of the project.

If you have ideas, suggestions or would like to share existing resources, please get in touch by email:


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