This paper reports a study into the insights and perspectives of rural South African communities on HIV- related mortality. The aim of the study was to elicit local knowledge in order to identify priorities for service organisations to improve health. A practice theory interpretation model looks at the classic sociological dualism of structure and agency, asserting that social practices, rather than individually acting agents are the central site of social ordering.

This research framework model was used to explore routines and habits of people's everyday lives to interpret the interconnectedness of different processes and relationships affecting HIV/AIDS.  Researchers used a participatory action research approach, initiating discussions with three local villages on their perspectives of HIV/Aids.

In addition to this Photovoice, a visual participatory method in which participants use photography to represent community conditions was used by one discussion group. A range of potential determinants of HIV related health were identified and ranked. These include: alcohol and substance abuse, gender inequities, stigma, harmful traditional practices and poor sanitation.

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