groups » Engagement at a Distance » Share projects, ideas and Resources

Do you have a guide or tool that you have found useful in your virtual engagement work? Would you like to share outputs from a project? Please share here


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  • banyakar Banya Kar 22 Sep 2020

    At DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance, we have been actively using webinars as a communication and engagement tool owing to the unprecedented situation caused by COVID-19. We keep experimenting with formats; and in this article, we have collected the best practices - learnt through experience - that we follow at India Alliance to improve the webinar experience of our audiences and to engage better:

    We hope that you find this read helpful; do share your views with us at

  • helenlatchem helenlatchem 1 Sep 2020

    Je vous remercie. Vous êtes les bienvenus au webinaire! Please share any experiences or resources you have found useful here

  • cdikha91 cdikha91 28 Aug 2020

    Le coronavirus est entrain de gagner du terrain sur le plan mondial d'ou la nécessité de trouver des moyens de contournement pour continuer le travail. Nous saluions cette initiative

  • helenlatchem helenlatchem 27 Aug 2020

    In response to the COVID-19 crisis, UK National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement has crowd-sourced a guide to creating and running virtual meetings and events. The guide draws on the expertise in our sector around online engagement and aims to help us all develop meaningful and valuable experiences online.

    See attached or find out more here:

    Attached files: creating_and_running_virtual_events_-_april_2020_v1.pdf

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