About: Dr Kartik Sharma (kartik@pahus.org) has founded the Public Health Arts & Us (PAHUS) organisation in India.His work as a health humanities researcher and filmmaker have conceptualised and documented innovative public health projects using Arts & films for engaging the public.In India with Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS).In Thailand with HITAP, Ministry of Public Health and the Mechai Viravaidhya Foundation.And in United Kingdom with National Health Services (NHS) and University College London(UCL). At present, he is a Public Engagement and Communication with ICH at UCL.And secretary of Public Health Film Festivals Society, Oxford and member Special Interest group for India and South Asia, Public Health England (PHE). As a filmmaker and public engagement personal, he is passionate about interdisciplinary collaborations for raising awareness of health and social issues in the society with an entertaining and international perspective using Films & the Arts.
Location: New Delhi / LondonWebsite: http://www.pahus.org/
Job: Public or Community Engagement Specialist
- Founder at Public Arts Health & Us (PAHUS) : www.pahus.org
- University College London (UCL)