The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic.

18th May 2021 • comment aims to convene the communication and media development, social and behavioural change community for more effective local, national, and international development action. They have a dedicated COVID-19 hub with shared materials and knowledge

18th May 2021 • comment

Unicef's Vaccine Misinformation Management Field Guide was published in December 2020 and offers guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunisation.

1st February 2021 • comment

Developed in Kenya, this toolkit can be used to support engagement with vaccine studies and particularly for COVID-19. These illustrated slides give a simplified scientific explanation of vaccine development, including the sequence and timeline for clinical studies, ethical review and randomisation.

18th November 2020 • comment

This series of pre-recorded panel discussions form part of EBODAC's virtual event exploring acceptance and uptake of new Ebola vaccines. They include sessions on 'Trust & Community Engagement' as well as 'Rumour Management'. 

10th November 2020 • comment

This blog style project reflection from Village Reach gives an introduction to the different aspects of their research project exploring barriers to vaccination in Mozambique.

3rd November 2020 • comment

This seminar, held in October 2020, explores vaccines hesitancy and what effect it will have on the development and roll-out of a potential COVID-19 vaccine. Chaired by Katherine Littler, Co-Lead, Global Health Ethics & Governance Unit at WHO.

29th September 2020 • comment

This Podcast was recorded by the Mesh Team, based on an interview with Dr Heidi Larson from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In this 30-minute interview, Dr Larson provides her insight into the public health community and the pitfalls researchers and engagement practitioners can find themselves in when working with communities to roll out vaccines. 

22nd February 2018 • comment

This short podcast examines the influence of social memory on vaccine hesitancy and explores ways to address some of the issues that arise when researchers engage communities who are hesitant towards vaccines.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This Podcast explores the power of trust between communities who are hesitant towards vaccines, and the public health community who are delivering immunisation. Dr Heidi Larson gives an in-depth analysis of the pitfalls and challenges in tackling this issue.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This short podcast examines the role provided by engagement practitioners in preparing for and responding to epidemic outbreak.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article explores the Polio Communication Network's contribution to the polio outbreak response in the Somali Region of Ethiopia from 2013 to 2015. The article explores the barriers that prevented communities in seeking immunizations and they include weak health worker interpersonal communication during immunization sessions, in accessible immunization site, fear of vaccine side effects and reactions and inconvenient timing of sessions.

12th February 2018 • comment