11th September 2024 • comment

This article by Abraham Mamela, an engagement specialist based in Botswana, outlines the need for developing inclusive and sustainable ecosystems in Africa through investment into social cohesion and highlights the importance of inclusion, diversity and networks in project value chains. He also outlines various stages of how an ecosystem can organically emerge from projects.

15th February 2022 • comment

This learning resource, from the UK's NIHR published in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, discusses the ethical dimensions to consider when engaging communities and involving patients in global health research. It was published in July 2021 reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic.

31st August 2021 • comment

This guidance document is based on the joint work of the Vienna Evaluation Unit and MSF OCBA and discusses community-based approaches to medical anthropology and qualitative research

18th May 2021 • comment

This project used focus group discussions, individual interviews and community meetings to explore stigma around hereditary neurological diseases in Mali.

3rd March 2021 • comment

The Genomics of Schizophrenia in South African Xhosa People (SAX) study sought to identify genes or mutations underlying predisposition to schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa population. Engagement activities included a Community Advisory Board and a Mental Health Literacy Day.

3rd March 2021 • comment

This reports on the The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative's community consultation workshop which aimed to contribute to a better understanding of gender contestations with regards to access to health and participation in biomedical research. They describe how they used body-maps, sharing circles and roadblock/hurdle mapping excercises to explore the topics of the workshop.

16th November 2020 • comment

This article addresses community engagement around the COVID-19 outbreak in South Africa in April 2020 and proposes a free-to-use mobile app as well as a longer-term Community Engagement Nerve Centre for the country

18th April 2020 • comment

Researchers funded by the NIHR Global Health Research Programme are expected to involve patients and the public in planning, implementation and evaluation of their research. This resource guide provides community engagement links, resources, references and learning to offer research teams and funding applicants a starting point

25th February 2020 • comment

This paper from BMC Medical Ethics explores how researchers and research centres can activtly involve children and young people in health research activities and in the development of research proposals. They used group discussions with community members and schools students in rural Kenya to explore views on the topic.

21st January 2020 • comment

A film engages Nepalese communities about the health implications of child marriage

14th August 2019 • comment

An overview of a project in Zimbabwe engaging communities on mental health stigma and discrimination. It worked to help combat stigma and open up collaborative pathways between the traditional/faith based and medical models of mental health treatment

15th July 2019 • comment
21st May 2019 • comment

This paper summarises a project based in Sierra Leone during the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak that produced a set of culturally contextualised Ebola messages. The messages are based on findings from interviews and focus group discussions with community members from two Ebola ‘hot-spots’.

20th November 2018 • comment

Standing Voice is an organisation that works to support people with albinism in Tanzania. This article explores how one of their projects, which communicates facts about albinism through interactive performances, navigates the cultural complexity surrounding albinism in Tanzania.

30th April 2018 • comment
12th February 2018 • comment

Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, undersecretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies gave the keynote at the Medicine Sans Frontiere annual Scientific Day 2017.  Her message was that humanitarian work needs to work far closer with local populations before, during and after humanitarian action. She emphasises five key principles to achieving this all of which would be relevant to those working in engagement with research in low income settings as well as humanitarian aid workers.

22nd October 2017 • comment
22nd June 2017 • comment