Guía Práctica para Planificar una Estrategia de Participación Social (CEI) para una Propuesta de Investigación de Salud Global
by alundavies, helenlatchem, Abraham Mamela, Himali Dixit, ssalum, Luis Felipe Arias SotoThis Mesh guide is intended to support the preparation of a Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI) strategy. It is aimed at researchers who are planning an engagement strategy for a funding application, Public/Community Engagement leads who are planning engagement strategies for a specific piece of research, or anyone who is new to CEI and wants to learn more about it.
Guide: A Practical Guide to Planning an Engagement Strategy for your Global Health Research funding application
by alundavies, helenlatchem, Abraham Mamela, Himali Dixit, ssalum, Luis Felipe Arias SotoThis Mesh guide is intended to support the preparation of a Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI) strategy. It is aimed at researchers who are planning an engagement strategy for a funding application, Public/Community Engagement leads who are planning engagement strategies for a specific piece of research, or anyone who is new to CEI and wants to learn more about it.
The CE4AMR: One Health Approach network have co-developed this handbook which aims to support anyone who is interested in using Community Engagement (CE) approaches to address the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
This practical guide was developed through a collaborative process of public engagement led by TDR Global. This practical guide provides tools, open-access resources and advice for researchers, especially those living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Guides and Tools: LGB Patient and Public involvement and Engagement in Research - a "How to" Guide for Researchers
by LBG Open Innovation in Science CenterThe ‘How to’ Guide for Researchers was co-developed by different stakeholders coordinated by the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center to support the implementation of public and patient involvement (PPIE) in research.
Guides & Tools: LBG Open Innovation in Science Center Impact Model and Instruments
by LBG Open Innovation in Science CenterDeveloped by the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center present a toolkit that can be used respectively to plan and to collect feedback around the effects of involvement and engagement initiatives in research projects.
Guides & Tools: LBG Research Priority Setting Project Database
by LBG Open Innovation in Science CenterAn available database developed by the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center for you to explore research priority setting projects worldwide and a research tool for unanswered research questions and under-researched topics.
Lifeology is an online platform and communication tool that engages broader audiences in science, health and research in a fun, accessible way. They do this via beautifully illustrated, science-backed, bite-sized “flashcard” courses.
Guide: Top Tips for Supporting Engagement through Seed Funding schemes
by Wellcome Africa & Asia Programmes, Mesh Editorial TeamThis guide is authored by public engagement staff across Wellcome Africa & Asia programmes and it shares their learning from setting up and running seed funding grant schemes to support engagement projects embedded in research
Guide: Essential Principles & Practices for GPP Compliance: Engaging stakeholders in biomedical research during the era of COVID-19
by Mesh Editorial TeamThis tool from AVAC in intended to help guide stakeholder engagement in COVID-19 research. Built from the Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials (GPP), it responds to needs expressed by both researchers and advocates.
Guide: UNICEF Minimum Quality Standards and Indicators in Community Engagement
by Mesh Editorial TeamUNICEF C4D's Minimum quality standards and indicators in community engagement provide globally established guidance on the contribution of community engagement in development practice as well as humanitarian action.
Guide: WHO Working with Community Advisory Boards for COVID-19 related clinical studies
by World Health Organisation, Mesh Editorial TeamThis toolbox was developed for the World Health Organisation COVID-19 Research Roadmap and shares information on establishing and working with different types of Community Advisory Boards/Groups (CAB/Gs) in the context of COVID-19 clinical studies.
This tool, developed by the site staff of the Microbicide Development Program in Tanzania, can be used to help community, trial participants, or staff members, prioritize issues and concerns central to the trial. This tool can serve as a platform to generate a list of potential issues and provide direction for what or which issues should take priority at the research site.
Using this tool, participants can raise and explore issues they perceive as priorities in HIV prevention research; discovering links between them. An interactive and fun way for community members and participants to be involved with the planning of HIV prevention research at the site.
GPP Strengths and Gaps is a facilitator’s guide for an exercise that is designed to help evaluate GPP implementation at a site level. It can be used with community and trial participants to garner honest feedback and constructive suggestions for improvements.
The GPP Trial Site Binder is a companion tool to the Good Participatory Practice guidelines that research teams can use to help develop, organize and document the stakeholder engagement activity at the site. The binder is is divided into sixteen sections aligned with the guidelines. Each section contains key steps to help research staff follow the practices, templates for documenting and planning activities, and a place to file draft documents.
The GPP Blueprint is a companion to the Good Participatory Practice guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention research. It is a step-by-step guide designed for the research team members in charge of stakeholder engagement. It presents questions, worksheets and explanations that can guide and generate a stakeholder engagement plan for a specific trial or research program.
Guide: WHO Addressing violence against children, women and older people during the covid-19 pandemic: Key actions
by World Health Organisation, Mesh Editorial TeamSeveral countries affected by COVID-19, have seen increases in levels of violence occurring in the home, including violence against children, intimate partner violence and violence against older people. This WHO brief dated 18 June 2020, compiles key actions that the health sector can undertake within a multisectoral response to prevent or mitigate interpersonal violence based on existing WHO guidance.
Guide: WHO Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
by World Health Organisation, Mesh Editorial TeamThe considerations presented in this document have been developed by the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use as a series of messages that can be used in communications to support mental and psychosocial well-being in different target groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
Guide: COVID-19: Guide to community engagement at a distance
by BBC Media Action, Shongjog, Mesh Editorial TeamThis short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. Download the guide in Bangla or English
Guide: Involving Communities - MSF Guidance document for approaching and cooperating with communities
by Médecins Sans Frontières, Mesh Editorial TeamThis guidance document is based on the joint work of the Vienna Evaluation Unit and MSF OCBA and discusses community-based approaches to medical anthropology and qualitative research
Guide: AVAC Good Participatory Practice: Monitoring and Evaluation Tools
by AVAC, Mesh Editorial TeamAVAC has developed a large set of supplementary tools to help research teams and other stakeholders understand, implement, and monitor the GPP guidelines. The monitoring and evaluation tools consist of a set of data collection tools for community and stakeholder engagement activities.
AVAC has developed a large set of supplementary tools to help research teams and other stakeholders understand, implement, and monitor the GPP guidelines. The GPP training tools can be used by anyone who wishes to conduct a training or to provide an overview of the GPP guidelines to a secondary audience.
The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic.
Guide: The Red Cross Community Engagement Hub: COVID-19 Resources
by The Red Cross, Mesh Editorial TeamThe Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has developed a hub to share our information, knowledge and resources about community engagement and accountability. Their COVID-19 area provides tools and resources to help incorporate community engagement and accountability into COVID-19 humanitarian operations
Guide: Compass COVID-19: Resources for Social and Behaviour Change
by The Compass, Mesh Editorial TeamThe Compass is a curated collection of social and behavior change (SBC) resources. This special Trending Topic of SBC resources contains links to a vast array of data, infographics and guidance on topics such as risk communication, rumours and misinformation and stigma.
Guide: Empowering meaningful community engagement and involvement in global health research - critical reflections and guiding questions
by Erica Nelson, NIHRThis learning resource, from the UK's NIHR published in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, offers a brief set of reflections to help guide decision-making within the context of collaborative research approaches. It was published in March 2021 reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Teaming volunteer community members and research staff, this tool helps map out points of interest where key populations live, work, and access services. It can serve as a vehicle for community participation in the research process.
The Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit for HIV Prevention Trials, developed by FHI360, is a guide to engaging a wide range of key stakeholders throughout the trial lifecycle.
The Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) consortium's Community Engagement Working Group was established in 2015. They have developed preliminary Guidelines on CE to support genetics and genomics research
The SciCommer is a weekly global science communication newsletter created by Heather Doran - a Science Communication and Public Engagement specialist based in Scotland. It provides a weekly roundup of science communication news and events, including academic research in the area, conferences, festivals, training and job opportunities.
Unicef's Vaccine Misinformation Management Field Guide was published in December 2020 and offers guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunisation.
Developed in Kenya, this toolkit can be used to support engagement with vaccine studies and particularly for COVID-19. These illustrated slides give a simplified scientific explanation of vaccine development, including the sequence and timeline for clinical studies, ethical review and randomisation.
This interactive Mesh learning webinar held in September 2020 explored the possibilities for community engagement with health research when we cannot meet in person. Find the recording here
This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities.
This article introduces the ICA:UK's free resource library which is intended to support facilitation best practice.
The NCPPE in collaboration with UK university scientists have created a guide on how to use social media effectively for public engagement.
This guide from NCCPE in the UK draws on the expertise around online science engagement and aims to support the development of meaningful and valuable experiences online.
Report: The Explorer Series - Exposing young audiences to the excitement and value of Science in India
by Sarah Iqbal, Yukti Arora, Hina Lateef NizamiThe report describes the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance's The Explorer Series project, which was a touring speaker event designed to bring the excitement and value of science to school students. It also shares tools and tips for similar work
Guide: NIHR Resource Guide for CEI in Global Health Research
by Erica NelsonResearchers funded by the NIHR Global Health Research Programme are expected to involve patients and the public in planning, implementation and evaluation of their research. This resource guide provides community engagement links, resources, references and learning to offer research teams and funding applicants a starting point
INTRAC has launched the M&E universe, a free, online resource for development practitioners involved in monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
Building communities of practice: MESH and The Global Health Network
by L Abad, Nina Jamieson, Mesh Editorial TeamAcademic literature: Community engagement: Leadership tool for catastrophic health events
by Mesh Editorial Team, Monica Schoch-Spana, Crystal Franco, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, and Christiana UsenzaLiterature: Between Vision and Reality: A Study of Scientists’ Views on Citizen Science
by Mesh Editorial TeamThis paper describes a case study, which planned to involve citizen science in an air pollution study. Findings are based on interviews and observations, including a six-month field diary, of ten scientists who engaged in a citizen science project not because they are convinced of its value as an approach to strong science but in order to receive funding for their scientific research.
Red Cross Red Crescent, Community Engagement and Accountability Resource
by Mesh Editorial TeamA resource from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent to support Community Engagement at the centre of humanitarian work.
Community Planning Toolkit: Community Engagement
by Mesh Editorial TeamA toolkit of methods and guidance on collaborative decision making and community planning.
Guide: Community Toolkit
by Mesh Editorial teamGuide: Coinquiry Toolkit
by Mesh Editorial teamGuide: Dilemmas cafés: A guide for facilitators
by Mesh Editorial teamGuide: Performing Ethics: Using Participatory Theatre to Explore Ethical Issues in Community Based Participatory Research
by Mesh Editorial teamRobin Vincent, Evaluation Consultant, UK gives an introduction to evaluating engagement with particular focus on the Theory of Change approach and how complexity in engagement can be navigated in evaluation.
Alexander Adadevoh from Lab 13 Ghana demonstrates how creative hands-on activities can be used to stimulate investigation, curiosity, discussion and learning in science.
This article describes and provides the tools to use a card game developed to engage players with the genetics behind malaria susceptibility.
Guide/Project Report: A Question of Taste - Hands-on Demonstration of Genomics
by Mesh Editorial Team, Bella StarlingThis article introduces an activity designed to introduce people to key concepts in genomics.
Guide: San people of Africa code of ethics for researchers
by South African San InstituteA code of ethics created by the San people of Africa for researchers wishing to study their culture.
Guide: Community Stakeholder Engagement (CSE) Monitoring Toolkit
by Engagement for ImpactThis user friendly set of quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation tools allows users to capture, collate and analyze Community and Stakeholder Engagement (CSE) data at the clinical trial site-level. The database is designed to support engagement teams working on clinical trials on a daily, monthly, quarterly and biannual basis.
Guide: Outcome Mapping: Building Learnings and Reflection into Development Programmes
by International Development Research CentreThe original manual to Outcome Mapping produced by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Guide: Resources, tools and information from Better Evaluation’s “Rainbow Framework”
by Better EvaluationThe ‘Rainbow’ framework guides the reader through a series of key questions to systematically look at all the issues involved when planning an evaluation.
Guide: Auditing Community Participation: an assessment Handbook
by Danny Burns and Marilyn TaylorDeveloped for engagement in community regeneration in the UK, Auditing Community Participation looks at ways of assessing levels of community involvement in area regeneration initiatives.
Guide: Ingenious Evaluation Toolkit
by Royal Academy of EngineeringA guide to evaluation of public engagement developed by the Royal Academy of Engineers, UK. Whilst not specific to health and community engagement it is a useful starting point to those looking to evaluate any engagement project.
Guide: Manchester Beacon Public Engagement Evaluation guide
by Manchester Beacon/Sally FortA guide to evaluating public engagement events, with a focus on events and research dissemination rather than more concerted community engagement.
A comprehensive guide to theory of change which can be used as a valuable tool for evaluating community engagement projects.
Guide: Developmental Evaluation - A Practitioners' Guide
by Elizabeth Dozois, Marc Langlois, Natasha Blanchet-CohenA guide to developmental evaluation.
Guide: Developmental Evaluation - A Mesh Introduction
by Mesh Editorial TeamA Mesh introduction to developmental evaluation. An evaluation approach used when it isn’t clear at the start of a project which intervention is the most appropriate and what aspects of the context are most important to address.
Guide: Evaluating your Social Media Presence (community radio toolkit)
by Community Radio ToolkitA clear and accessible introduction to evaluation of social media linked to community radio initiatives but with wider application.
A blog post from Kissmetrics describing how best to get started with social media measurement. Whilst primarily business and Northern focused this post nevertheless clearly explains the general steps of how to evaluate social media and incudes links to social media tracking tools that are useful for CE activities using social media.
Guide: Netmap Toolbox for Participatory Networking Mapping
by Eva SchifferA tookit and guide to participatory methods for collectively visualising and analysing networks for planning and evaluation purposes.
A practical guide including clear step by step explanations of how to develop a theory of change for an organisation or project
Guide: Evaluation Toolbox: Community sustainability engagement
by The Evaluation ToolboxIntroduction to one-stop site for evaluation of community sustainability engagement projects.
Guide: Evaluating your Engagement Activities: Developing an evaluation plan
by Manchester University/Suzanne SpicerAn introduction to the Manchester University (UK) Guide to evaluating engagement.
Guide: Evaluation Practical Guidelines: A guide for evaluating public engagement activities
by Research Councils UKIntroduction to RCUK's Evaluation of Engagement guide.
Guide: Recommendations for Community Engagement in HIV/AIDS Research Version 2.0
by Mesh Editorial TeamThese recommendations are intended as a tool to help research staff and community representatives expand and deepen existing partnerships, and forge new ones, with the ultimate goal of facilitating effective community engagement in all aspects of clinical trials research.