Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits

by Getachew Redeae Taffere, Haftom Temesgen Abebe, Zenawi Zerihun, Christian Mallen, Helen P. Price, Afework Mulugeta

A systematic review of community engagement with health research.

16th July 2024 • comment

Bridging a gap between community and the research institution via a youth advisory group on health and health research in rural Cambodia

by Mom Ean, Rupam Tripura, Phann Sothea, Uch Savoeun, Thomas J. Peto, Sam Bunthynn, James J. Callery, Ung Soviet, Lek Dysoley, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Bipin Adhikari

Article about MORU Youth Advisory Group in Cambodia.

15th July 2024 • comment

Resource Guide: Stakeholder Engagement in Global Health Research

by Jayakayatri Jeevajothi Nathan, Genevie Fernandes, Tracy Jackson, Siân Williams
15th May 2024 • comment

Community engagement and the centrality of ‘working relationships’ in health research

by Robin Vincent, Dorcas Kamuya, Bipin Adhikari, Deborah Nyirenda, James V Lavery, Sassy Molyneux
13th May 2024 • comment

This article explores the use of participatory video for evaluating engagement between researchers and school students in Kenya.  The method revealed several challenges and benefits to school engagement. Published online 2022 Mar 17. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.797290

22nd September 2023 • comment

Guides & Tools: LBG Research Priority Setting Project Database

by LBG Open Innovation in Science Center

An available database developed by the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center for you to explore research priority setting projects worldwide and a research tool for unanswered research questions and under-researched topics.

28th February 2022 • comment

This study published by Wellcome in 2021 explores the role, benefits and potential of young people’s involvement in health research, with a focus on mental health, infectious diseases and global heating. It provides recommendations on how to meaningfully involve young people in research, and what it means to do that well.

22nd February 2021 • comment

This report from Hilo Consultants Ltd outlines the key themes arising from a workshop session held in October 2020 which sought to look at ways of supporting strong practice in engagement within clinical trials.

25th January 2021 • comment

The International Network for Public Involvement and Engagement in Health and Social Care Research was launched in London on 27th November 2017. Our vision is for a world where patient and public involvement is an integral part of health research.

10th February 2020 • comment

In this article from the Journal of Science Communication (2015) the authors reflect on their work with teachers and students at a local school in Milton Keynes in the UK. They propose a flexible and adaptive metric to support all stakeholders with planning school engagement.

21st January 2020 • comment

This paper from BMC Medical Ethics explores how researchers and research centres can activtly involve children and young people in health research activities and in the development of research proposals. They used group discussions with community members and schools students in rural Kenya to explore views on the topic.

21st January 2020 • comment

CE4AMR network is a global gathering of researchers and practitioners who use, or are interested in using, community engagement – in particular participatory and creative approaches – to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)

7th January 2020 • comment

This article argues for a conceptual shift away from the static, singular term ‘trial community’ towards ‘experimental publics’. The authors observe that the term ‘community’ is often employed uncritically and assumes that ‘communities’ pre-exist research; that they are timeless and undifferentiated wholes. ‘Experimental publics’, by contrast, are dynamic, multiple, and impermanent in nature.

22nd October 2018 • comment

This paper describes a case study, which planned to involve citizen science in an air pollution study. Findings are based on interviews and observations, including a six-month field diary, of ten scientists who engaged in a citizen science project not because they are convinced of its value as an approach to strong science but in order to receive funding for their scientific research. 

22nd March 2018 • comment
15th February 2018 • comment

This paper reports a study into the insights and perspectives of rural South African communities on HIV- related mortality. The aim of the study was to elicit local knowledge in order to identify priorities for service organisations to improve health.

22nd January 2018 • comment

Photovoice Ethics is a report and ethical guide for researchers who want to explore sensitive topics with their audiences.   

20th October 2017 • comment

The Digital storytelling in research is a qualitative report published in February 2017. The paper includes a review of the history and value of digital story telling as an arts based research method for generating data about important issues.

20th October 2017 • comment

A collection of easily accessible articles outlining community engagement with global health projects funded by the Wellcome Trust in 2010. 

29th September 2017 • comment

Banks, S. et al (2014). Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research collaboration. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 7(1).

2nd March 2017 • comment

Organisations that undertake research, engagement and policy work are dominated by white middle-class men. The basic question the book attempts to answer is: "what happens when these institutions attempt working with the rest of the world, which is different and diverse?”

21st February 2017 • comment