Resource Guide: Stakeholder Engagement in Global Health Research

by Jayakayatri Jeevajothi Nathan, Genevie Fernandes, Tracy Jackson, Siân Williams
15th May 2024 • comment

Community engagement and the centrality of ‘working relationships’ in health research

by Robin Vincent, Dorcas Kamuya, Bipin Adhikari, Deborah Nyirenda, James V Lavery, Sassy Molyneux
13th May 2024 • comment

This article explores the use of participatory video for evaluating engagement between researchers and school students in Kenya.  The method revealed several challenges and benefits to school engagement. Published online 2022 Mar 17. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.797290

22nd September 2023 • comment

This webinar held in May 2022 on the REAL Community Engagement Realist Review shared some fascinating findings which give more conceptual clarity around how community engagement works in practice. It highlighted some key relationships and power dynamics at the heart of engagement work.

26th April 2022 • comment

In this project from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Kenya and funded by the DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund, high school students were educated about malaria and scientific research, to inspire them to become ambassadors in their communities, and to go on to have careers in science.

26th August 2021 • comment

The Genomics of Schizophrenia in South African Xhosa People (SAX) study sought to identify genes or mutations underlying predisposition to schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa population. Engagement activities included a Community Advisory Board and a Mental Health Literacy Day.

3rd March 2021 • comment

Project Report: Exploring perspectives on genomics and sickle cell public health interventions in Cameroon

by Kengne Kamga Karen, Valentine Bitoungui, Abagma Mani, Meya Melanie, Ongey Foncham, Marsha Treadwell, Ambroise Wonkam

This project used qualitative methods to gather an in-depth understanding of cultural influences on perspectives and attitudes regarding genomic research and public health interventions for Sickle Cell Disease-related complications in Cameroon

2nd March 2021 • comment

Project Report: The PANChSHEEEL Project

by Prof Monica Lakhanpaul, kartiksharma, The PANChSHEEEL Team

PANChSHEEEL (Participatory Approach for Nutrition in Children: Strengthening Health, Education, Environment and Engineering Linkages) is an interdisciplinary cross-sector project designed to explore health, education, engineering and environment  factors that influence infant and young child feeding practices and nutrition in India.

26th August 2020 • comment

Project Report: Right to Food Project - In their Voices

by Elizabeth Kimani-Murage, David Osogo, Hilda Owii, Michelle Mbuthia, Florence Sipalla, Teresia Njoki, Melaneia Warwick, Community Organized Groups, Nairobi

“Right to Food Project” was implemented by the African Population and Health Research Center from 2018 to 2019 in urban Kenya. Different participatory visual methodologies were used to engage with the community members on the right to food. These included graffiti and wall murals, digital stories, photovoice, radio shows, human libraries, participatory educative theaters, open air events and community dialogue.

30th May 2020 • comment

The International Network for Public Involvement and Engagement in Health and Social Care Research was launched in London on 27th November 2017. Our vision is for a world where patient and public involvement is an integral part of health research.

10th February 2020 • comment

This paper from BMC Medical Ethics explores how researchers and research centres can activtly involve children and young people in health research activities and in the development of research proposals. They used group discussions with community members and schools students in rural Kenya to explore views on the topic.

21st January 2020 • comment

This article, published with a creative commons licence on the LSE Impact Blog, suggests a more comprehensive and balanced approach for the evaluation of public engagement, drawing on evaluation criteria commonly used in aid evaluation.

5th September 2019 • comment

This working paper  explores the opportunities and challenges associated with visual research methodologies. The paper draws specifically on a MoVE (methods: visual: explore) project that explored the lived experiences of migrant groups in southern Africa.  

23rd February 2018 • comment

 This qualitative study examined the perceptions, experiences and concerns of 32 research stakeholders about data-sharing practices.

7th February 2018 • comment

Fishy Clouds, a puppet theatre show, was created to engage the community on issues of antimicrobial resistance and research with children in Thailand. Fishy Clouds ran for twelve shows during the months of November and December 2016 in schools, hospitals, theatres and health centres. The show was performed in Bangkok and in the greater Mae Sot area in the Tak district of Thailand.

9th February 2017 • comment