Bridging a gap between community and the research institution via a youth advisory group on health and health research in rural Cambodia

by Mom Ean, Rupam Tripura, Phann Sothea, Uch Savoeun, Thomas J. Peto, Sam Bunthynn, James J. Callery, Ung Soviet, Lek Dysoley, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Bipin Adhikari

Article about MORU Youth Advisory Group in Cambodia.

15th July 2024 • comment

Resource Guide: Stakeholder Engagement in Global Health Research

by Jayakayatri Jeevajothi Nathan, Genevie Fernandes, Tracy Jackson, Siân Williams
15th May 2024 • comment

Community engagement and the centrality of ‘working relationships’ in health research

by Robin Vincent, Dorcas Kamuya, Bipin Adhikari, Deborah Nyirenda, James V Lavery, Sassy Molyneux
13th May 2024 • comment
15th April 2024 • comment

This webinar held in May 2022 on the REAL Community Engagement Realist Review shared some fascinating findings which give more conceptual clarity around how community engagement works in practice. It highlighted some key relationships and power dynamics at the heart of engagement work.

26th April 2022 • comment

This learning resource, from the UK's NIHR published in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, discusses the ethical dimensions to consider when engaging communities and involving patients in global health research. It was published in July 2021 reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic.

31st August 2021 • comment

This policy briefing from The Nuffield Council on Bioethics sets out the key ethical considerations relevant to public health measures being introduced to manage the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

19th May 2021 • comment

The considerations presented in this document have been developed by the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use as a series of messages that can be used in communications to support mental and psychosocial well-being in different target groups during the COVID-19 pandemic

19th May 2021 • comment

This Nuffield Council on Bioethics report from January 2020 contains the findings of a two year in-depth inquiry. The aim was to identify ways in which research can be undertaken ethically during emergencies, in order to promote the contribution that ethically-conducted research can make to improving current and future emergency preparedness and response.

1st March 2021 • comment

The Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings aims to stop the export of unethical research practices to low and middle income countries.

5th October 2020 • comment

Researchers funded by the NIHR Global Health Research Programme are expected to involve patients and the public in planning, implementation and evaluation of their research. This resource guide provides community engagement links, resources, references and learning to offer research teams and funding applicants a starting point

25th February 2020 • comment
21st May 2019 • comment
15th February 2019 • comment

This 7 module course offers comprehensive training exploring the wide range of ethical issues faced by health professionals and policy makers working in the context of epidemics/pandemics and disaster situations, focusing primarily on the key areas of research, surveillance and patient care.

22nd January 2019 • comment

This paper briefly summarises the discussion of a committee which aimed to assess clinical trials conducted in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia during the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

20th November 2018 • comment

This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust in 2006, presents the results of qualitative research exploring public attitudes towards the governance of biomedical research.

26th March 2018 • comment

The Wellcome Trust commissioned report from 2013 on the general public’s attitudes to different types of personal data and data linking. The research looked at whether health data are viewed differently from other types of data, and what are the perceived risks and benefits, to self and society, of linking different kinds of data for research and other purposes.

19th February 2018 • comment

This paper may be of interest to readers thinking about the local political and historical context and how this impacts on both science culture and the culture of science communication or public engagement within a country. This article focuses on South Africa although many of the considerations within it are likely to be pertinent in other countries which experienced colonialism. 

15th February 2018 • comment

 This qualitative study examined the perceptions, experiences and concerns of 32 research stakeholders about data-sharing practices.

7th February 2018 • comment

Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, undersecretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies gave the keynote at the Medicine Sans Frontiere annual Scientific Day 2017.  Her message was that humanitarian work needs to work far closer with local populations before, during and after humanitarian action. She emphasises five key principles to achieving this all of which would be relevant to those working in engagement with research in low income settings as well as humanitarian aid workers.

22nd October 2017 • comment

Photovoice Ethics is a report and ethical guide for researchers who want to explore sensitive topics with their audiences.   

20th October 2017 • comment

A summary of a report exploring Community Engagement, what it means to global health researchers and its relationship to research ethics. 

29th September 2017 • comment