Perspectives of African stakeholders on gene drives for malaria control
by Mesh EditorialMesh Strategic Plan
by Mesh editorialThis article gives a brief introduction to the Mesh Community Engagement Network's Strategic Plan including the theory of change and streams of activity
Guides & Tools: LBG Open Innovation in Science Center Impact Model and Instruments
by LBG Open Innovation in Science CenterDeveloped by the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center present a toolkit that can be used respectively to plan and to collect feedback around the effects of involvement and engagement initiatives in research projects.
This article gives a brief introduction to the Mesh Community Engagement Network's Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 including the theory of change and streams of activity
Literature: Planning for the social and economic impacts emerging from school-university engagement with research
by Mesh Editorial TeamIn this article from the Journal of Science Communication (2015) the authors reflect on their work with teachers and students at a local school in Milton Keynes in the UK. They propose a flexible and adaptive metric to support all stakeholders with planning school engagement.
Literature: Developing a finer grained analysis of research impact: Can we assess the wider effects of public engagement?
by Marco HaenssgenThis article, published with a creative commons licence on the LSE Impact Blog, suggests a more comprehensive and balanced approach for the evaluation of public engagement, drawing on evaluation criteria commonly used in aid evaluation.
INTRAC has launched the M&E universe, a free, online resource for development practitioners involved in monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
Ecological Validity and the Study of Publics: The Case for Organic Public Engagement Methods
by Mesh Editorial Team, Sian AggettSummary of academic paper critiquing experimental approaches to public engagement advocating instead an 'organic engagement' approach with 'ecological validation' which explores the context and mechanisms in which public's deliberations and opinions are formed. The paper is not open access however a comprehensive summary is given here.
Science Communication evaluation methods at Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust (MLW)– the case of the Samala Moyo project
by Mesh Editorial TeamEvaluation of KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme Engagement – Programme-wide Evaluation
by Mesh Editorial TeamThis case study is about a proposed programme of work on evaluation of the various engagement activities (public and community) that are undertaken at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP). The case study was based on a presentation delivered at the Mesh Evaluating Community Engagement Workshop 2017.
Robin Vincent, Evaluation Consultant, UK gives an introduction to evaluating engagement with particular focus on the Theory of Change approach and how complexity in engagement can be navigated in evaluation.
Project Report: Evaluating engagement: Implications for gender and ethics in health systems research
by Sassy MolyneuxIn this article Sassy Molyneux, a participant of the Mesh evaluating engagement workshop (March 2017), reflects on the learning from the workshop, focusing on points useful for health policy and systems researchers with an interest in gender and ethics.
A participant reflection on the Mesh Evaluating Community Engagement Workshop (March 2017) which aimed to move forward the debates surrounding evaluation by drawing on practical experiences.
Wellcome Trust International Engagement workshop report: Engaging with Impact: How do we know if we have made a difference? (South Africa 2012)
by Wellcome TrustThis report is based on conversations that took place at the Wellcome Trust’s fourth international engagement workshop: ‘Engaging with impact: how do we know if we have made a difference?’ The workshop took place in South Africa in October 2012.
Guide: Resources, tools and information from Better Evaluation’s “Rainbow Framework”
by Better EvaluationThe ‘Rainbow’ framework guides the reader through a series of key questions to systematically look at all the issues involved when planning an evaluation.
Guide: Auditing Community Participation: an assessment Handbook
by Danny Burns and Marilyn TaylorDeveloped for engagement in community regeneration in the UK, Auditing Community Participation looks at ways of assessing levels of community involvement in area regeneration initiatives.
This resource presents a list of useful websites and discussion forums on evaluation.
Guide: Evaluation Toolbox: Community sustainability engagement
by The Evaluation ToolboxIntroduction to one-stop site for evaluation of community sustainability engagement projects.