Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits

by Getachew Redeae Taffere, Haftom Temesgen Abebe, Zenawi Zerihun, Christian Mallen, Helen P. Price, Afework Mulugeta

A systematic review of community engagement with health research.

16th July 2024 • comment

Critical Realist Evaluation

by Mesh Editorial Team

This resource about critical realist evaluation resulted from a presentation given by Emma Richardson at the March 2017 Mesh Evaluation workshop. For more information and links to other resources that emerged from the workshop (which will be built upon over time) visit the workshop page.  

13th October 2017 • comment

Art is a powerful medium for communication and engagement with science. To create a collaborative project that melds art with research creative practitioners and scientists must be brought together, but these individuals may think differently, have different priorities and work in different ways. This account of Genome Adventures, gives a little insight into the process of bringing different disciplines together and the challanges and benefits that result. 

16th September 2016 • comment

In 2013, Art in Global Health set up artist residencies in six Wellcome Trust-funded research centres as a way of teasing out some of the more personal, philosophical, cultural and political dimensions of health research. This exciting project was born out of Wellcome Collection's desire to engage the curious public globally with the health research that the Trust funds - in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and the UK. 

26th August 2016 • comment

This report is based on conversations that took place at the Wellcome Trust’s fourth international engagement workshop: ‘Engaging with impact: how do we know if we have made a difference?’ The workshop took place in South Africa in October 2012.

28th July 2016 • comment

A comprehensive guide to theory of change which can be used as a valuable tool for evaluating community engagement projects.

26th July 2016 • comment

An extensive introduction to the growing and changing role of social media in communication with an emphasis on developing country experience.

25th July 2016 • comment

This annotated bibliography is a useful tool for those looking to analyse and visualise networks as a way to evaluate community engagement projects.

18th July 2016 • comment

A tookit and guide to participatory methods for collectively visualising and analysing networks for planning and evaluation purposes.

18th July 2016 • comment

A Mesh introduction to network based approaches to evaluation which focus on changes in relationships and networks as a key outcome of interest.

18th July 2016 • comment

This case study acts as an example of using participatory system inquiry and systemic action research to evaluate complex projects.

15th July 2016 • comment

An introduction to Participatory System Inquiry and Systemic Action Research and their use in evaluating community engagement.

15th July 2016 • comment

This resource presents a list of useful websites and discussion forums on evaluation.

1st July 2016 • comment

An introduction to the Manchester University (UK) Guide to evaluating engagement.

1st July 2016 • comment

Literature: Who Counts? The power of participatory statistics

by Jeremy Holland, 2013 Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK

An introduction to the book Who Counts? The power of participatory statistics and some of the case studies within it.

1st July 2016 • comment

An introduction to Most Significant Change, a qualitative and participatory monitoring and evaluation approach that uses stories of change to assess the impact of projects and programmes.

1st July 2016 • comment

An Introduction to Realist Evaluation, a valuable method for addressing the complexity of social programmes.

1st July 2016 • comment

An introduction to the use of Participatory Statistics for evaluating engagement.

1st July 2016 • comment

An introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis, an approach for systematic comparison of cases.

1st July 2016 • comment

An Introduction to Evalutaion Case Studies.

1st July 2016 • comment

Case studies and tools for evaluating community engagement activities that engage through the arts.

11th April 2016 • comment

Evaluation report from the Wellcome Trust's Sciart funding programme

6th April 2016 • comment

Workshop Report: Discussion on the ethical, social and cultural issues that surround research into food, health and the environment as well as the best ways of producing activities that inform, consult and collaborate with communities.

7th January 2016 • comment