15th April 2024 • comment

Substance abuse and HIV are highly prevalent, complex and often misunderstood conditions among young people in Zimbabwe. Supported by the DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund, Clement Nhunzvi and his team in Zimbabwe used a creative arts competition to engage school children (13-20 years) in social inclusion and stigma reduction when confronting substance abuse and HIV in the community.

26th August 2021 • comment

Immunologist Lerato Ndlovu shares her experience of using a play and career talks in a project, supported by the DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund, to engage high school pupils in rural South African communities with research and increase their scientific understanding of TB and its treatment.

26th August 2021 • comment

In this project, from the Institute of Child Health, University of Ibadan and funded by the DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund, viewpoints were shared by adolescents and teachers through a photo exhibition to understand reasons behind high school dropout rates. A stakeholder forum was held to give students an opportunity to voice their experiences and to catalyse better support for high school enrolment and retention, enabling adolescents to make better decisions to improve their health.

26th August 2021 • comment

In this project from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Kenya and funded by the DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund, high school students were educated about malaria and scientific research, to inspire them to become ambassadors in their communities, and to go on to have careers in science.

26th August 2021 • comment

This study published by Wellcome in 2021 explores the role, benefits and potential of young people’s involvement in health research, with a focus on mental health, infectious diseases and global heating. It provides recommendations on how to meaningfully involve young people in research, and what it means to do that well.

22nd February 2021 • comment

Developed in Kenya, this toolkit can be used to support engagement with vaccine studies and particularly for COVID-19. These illustrated slides give a simplified scientific explanation of vaccine development, including the sequence and timeline for clinical studies, ethical review and randomisation.

18th November 2020 • comment

This interactive Mesh learning webinar held in September 2020 explored the possibilities for community engagement with health research when we cannot meet in person. Find the recording here

21st September 2020 • comment

The report describes the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance's The Explorer Series project, which was a touring speaker event designed to bring the excitement and value of science to school students. It also shares tools and tips for similar work

2nd May 2020 • 0 comments

The NGBS was a nationwide programme in Zimbabwe engaging secondary school pupils in order to raise awareness on genomics technologies and careers in genomics technology. The project sought to inspire high school students to identify local health challenges, and through community engagement, originate research-based solutions.

11th March 2020 • 0 comments

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! is an online, student-led STEM engagement activity that has is run in the UK and internationally. Students log in, read six scientist’s profiles, ask them questions, take part in text based live chats and vote for the one they to win a cash prize. The project in Kenya is in partnership with the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme.

26th February 2020 • 0 comments

Lab_13 is an in-school space dedicated entirely to investigation, innovation and creativity; a space managed by young people; a space where children learn to be scientists as well as learning science. The project has developed a family of laboratories based within primary and secondary schools, in both rural and urban environments, across the UK, London, Europe and Africa. 

25th February 2020 • 0 comments

The SALUS project is a school engagement project exploring HIV research and treatment using animation, storytelling and online content. The pilot was conducted in the Umtata Region of Eastern Cape, South Africa

18th February 2020 • 0 comments

This webinar from Dr Alun Davies from KEMRI | Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kenya, outlines the goals, methods and outcomes of school engagement as a “win-win” engagement approach for both researchers and students

28th January 2020 • 0 comments

In this article from the Journal of Science Communication (2015) the authors reflect on their work with teachers and students at a local school in Milton Keynes in the UK. They propose a flexible and adaptive metric to support all stakeholders with planning school engagement.

21st January 2020 • 0 comments

This paper from BMC Medical Ethics explores how researchers and research centres can activtly involve children and young people in health research activities and in the development of research proposals. They used group discussions with community members and schools students in rural Kenya to explore views on the topic.

21st January 2020 • 0 comments

The KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme's School Engagement Programme (SEP) aims at promoting an interest in science and science related careers amoung students as well as promoting mutual understanding between members of the community and researchers. 

8th January 2020 • 0 comments

Superheroes again Superbugs is a public engagement programme that aims to raise awareness on antimicrobial resistance and promote community action by engaging with students in India

22nd August 2019 • 0 comments

An overview of a project in Zimbabwe engaging communities on mental health stigma and discrimination. It worked to help combat stigma and open up collaborative pathways between the traditional/faith based and medical models of mental health treatment

15th July 2019 • comment

The 3MT competition aims to cultivate academic presentation and research communication skills, especially the crucial ability to effectively explain academic research to a non-specialist audience in a short amount of time. At the competition in Thailand, 9 doctoral candidates from MORU and OUCRU competed against the clock to present their thesis to an audience of secondary school students.

16th January 2019 • comment

This theatre project aimed to increase awareness of and engagement with complex public health concerns such as mental, environmental and sexual health. Implemented in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, by the Darpana Academy of Performing Arts

22nd October 2018 • comment

The Hip Hop Health project facilitated the collaboration of young people with health researchers in South Africa to frame research questions, undertake investigations in their communities, and then write and perform hip hop music to share their findings

18th October 2018 • comment

The Wellcome Trust’s Science Education Tracker is a survey of young people’s attitudes toward, and experiences of, science education and careers in England. The findings of this survey informed multiple reports, including this one looking at young people’s views on science education.

26th March 2018 • comment

InformalScience.org is a central portal to project, research and evaluation resources designed to support and connect the informal science education community in museums, media, public programs and a growing variety of learning environments

24th January 2018 • comment

A collection of easily accessible articles outlining community engagement with global health projects funded by the Wellcome Trust in 2010. 

29th September 2017 • comment

This article outlines Community Engagement efforts linked to a Targeted Malaria Elimination (TME) project in four Kayin State villages, in Myanmar where there is a real threat from the spread of drug resistant parasites. The Community Engagement programme was aimed at promoting population uptake and adherence to Mass drug administrations (MDA) in the region.

27th August 2017 • comment

mGenAfrica is an internet-based platform and mobile application designed to promote engagement between research staff in genomics and other health research fields with high school learners (16-19 year olds)

3rd July 2017 • comment

Our Environment, Our Health was conceived to raise awareness among school students of India’s pressing environmental health challenges. The approach enabled students to learn, discuss and respond to environmental health issues through a process of creative inquiry and puppetry

6th June 2017 • comment
25th May 2017 • comment

Alexander Adadevoh from Lab 13 Ghana demonstrates how creative hands-on activities can be used to stimulate investigation, curiosity, discussion and learning in science.

15th May 2017 • comment

This article describes and provides the tools to use a card game developed to engage players with the genetics behind malaria susceptibility.

15th May 2017 • comment

This article introduces an activity designed to introduce people to key concepts in genomics.

15th May 2017 • comment

The benefits of running science engagement activities in schools, as well as some of the key challenges of doing so, were explored by a panel of school engagement experts from around the world in this discussion the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Workshop in 2017

11th May 2017 • comment

This document from Relating Research to Practice provides practitioner briefs and links to four key pieces of research on the value and practicalities of engaging audiences with science through crafting, hands-on activities, or "tinkering".

11th May 2017 • comment

Fishy Clouds, a puppet theatre show, was created to engage the community on issues of antimicrobial resistance and research with children in Thailand. Fishy Clouds ran for twelve shows during the months of November and December 2016 in schools, hospitals, theatres and health centres. The show was performed in Bangkok and in the greater Mae Sot area in the Tak district of Thailand.

9th February 2017 • comment

Project Report: Samala Moyo

by Malawi–Liverpool– Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme

Samala Moyo is an interactive exhibition with an outreach component designed to open the Malawi–Liverpool– Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW) to the local community and creatively explore crucial topics in medical research. The project was developed from a small International Engagement Award-funded pilot project and subsequently received £188,000.

15th December 2016 • comment

This brief report provides you with an overview of PRIDE’s activities at the Durga Puja Festival in New Delhi, India, to raise awareness among young people about mental health.

28th November 2016 • comment

Village Drama against Malaria used Cambodian drama, art, music workshops and village concerts to mobilise rural communities to eliminate malaria. This report reflects upon the operations, successes and challanges of the project,

17th October 2016 • comment

Art is a powerful medium for communication and engagement with science. To create a collaborative project that melds art with research creative practitioners and scientists must be brought together, but these individuals may think differently, have different priorities and work in different ways. This account of Genome Adventures, gives a little insight into the process of bringing different disciplines together and the challanges and benefits that result. 

16th September 2016 • comment

An introduction to the work of the Angkor Hospital for Children’s (AHC) Young Persons Advisory Group, a group of young Cambodians (aged 10 – 15 years) who meet monthly to discuss important operational and research issues arising from the AHC management. 

15th July 2016 • comment

A case study of The Vaidya’s Oath project which engaged audiences and school children with antimicrobial resistance.

26th April 2016 • comment

Case study of a project run by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine which enabled adolescents in Zimbabwe to capture their stories and the stories of others living with HIV.

11th April 2016 • comment